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Internship Description Naval Cargo Marketing/Sales


The company: Naval Cargo

Naval Cargo is a specialized company in shipping large orders from Bali to all arround the world. Naval Cargo can provide the customer the full package from door to door including all the necessary paperwork. Besides shipping, Naval Cargo is also involved in trading and therefor they have a special trading department.


Assignments in headlines:

*Assignments stated below are not fixed; the supervisor may add or change assignments and some daily tasks during the internship period.

During the internship period the intern will be involved in trading and marketing. This will include the following research and daily activities:

Research assignments:

  1. Map out the existing promotion, sales and marketing strategy at the company.
  2. Communication plan
  3. Discover new markets + new products.


Daily activities:

  1. Provide professional assistance to the sales and marketing team at the company by directly being involved in any promotion, sales and marketing activities like email campaign, cold calling and personal approach or business visit.
  2. Social media improvement.
  3. Help to prepare all the documents for export and shipment.


Skill Requirements:

Bachelor student in Economics, Administration or Marketing.

Is able to conduct advice based on market research.

Has experience with trading or logistics.

Fluent in English.

Pro- active and outgoing person.

Able to commit for internship minimum of 20 weeks.


Does this sounds interesting to you? Send a short introduction and your CV to info@navalcargo.com!

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to e-mail us.



Monday-Friday: 08:30-17:00

Saturday: 08:30-14:00

Sunday: Closed



Jl. Raya Celuk - Gang Teruna Jaya No. 2 Sukawati Gianyar, Bali - Indonesia
